Contest | Results

4 min read

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JennyStokes-Favs's avatar


Due to overwhelming circumstances in the World, a LOT of us have felt 'crushed' by World Events.
I have a strong feeling this is the reason our Contest only received 6 submissions. Obviously, our timing was out, however, thanks so much to our contestants.

So, here are the winners in no order.



Prize: 250 :points: points

The Real Chat Noir by SlytherclawPadawan


Prize: 250 :points: points

Colorful Birds by ZephyraMilie


Prize: 250 :points: points

the wall - Tel Aviv by Rikitza


Prize: 250 :points: points

Pour un monde meilleurPour un monde meilleur
Verser sur le monde la paix
Planter la graine de l'espoir
Au cœur des âmes esseulées
Et créer un nouveau pouvoir
Planter un millier d'arbres
Sauver la faune et la flore
Ne plus anéantir en palabres
Cette terre qui nous a fait éclore
Donnons de notre temps
Pour que les désastres disparaissent
Ou explosent en flocons étincelants
Laissant place à une nouvelle pièce
Les rivières redeviendront vivantes
Les forêts respireront de nouveau
La terre fertile et aimante
Sera à nouveau le lieu le plus beau


Prize: 250 :points: points

2 images we received I believe had very little to do with the idea of this Contest so we did not consider them.

We have received a huge amount of points from so many good friends and members thank you all.
These points will go to a new contest coming up shortly

After the women's marches all over the World I am now seeing that we can go forward with hope in our hearts. We are the people.

One race and one earth.
Jenny and whole JennyStokes-Favs Team

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ZephyraMilie's avatar
Thank you so much!!! :heart: And thanks for the points!
Congrats to everyone, it's a shame there were not much submissions indeed :(
:blowkiss: :hug: :blowkiss: